
Demo and instructions for Azure Global Bootcamp

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Azure Global 2021 - India

ASP.NET Web Developer’s Journey to Cloud

Demo by Wriju Ghosh @wrijugh

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This repository is made for the demo I have prepared for the Azure Global Bootcamp 2021 India chapter.

This is divided into few sections

  • Making the development machine in Azure
  • Installing runtime and tools
    • Dotnet Core 3.1
    • Docker CE
    • Kubectl
  • Installing Visual Studio Code extensions and Connecting it remotely.
  • Building first ASP.NET Application and running it locally.
  • Containerzing the ASP.NET Core Application.
  • Testing the containerized ASP.NET Core Application locally.
  • Moving this container image to Docker Registry (Docker hub).
  • Push the image to ACR
  • Run the container in ACI
  • Deploying the container to Azure Kubernetes Service

On-demand Global Azure 2021 Recording

DYI Steps

01-Making the dev VM

Create a cheapest Azure Ubuntu VM for development and install the tools and runtime.

02-Connecting to the VS Code to build and containerize ASP.NET Apps

Because the Ubuntu VM is a headless server, we will not be able to install Visual Studio Code. But we can connect remotely using Remote SSH extension.

03-Pushing the container image to ACR and running it in ACI

Push the container to Azure Container Registry and host the container in Azure Container Instance.

04-Deploying it to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Now finally run it in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

05-All in One