
Azure Kubernetes


This series will cover many different aspects of working with AKS.

06 AKS - Deploy Kubernetes Cluster using Terraform

How to deploy AKS Cluster using Terraform IaC.


05 AKS - Build, Containerize, Run and Expose Node.js Application

Create a simple Node.js Express.js application, containerize it then push it to ACR and finally deploy in Kubernetes and use as Public Website. Inspired from here.


04 AKS - Azure Container Registry (ACR) Handshake

How can we associate the AKS and ACR together so that use the docker images privately in Kubernetes.


03 AKS - Hosting Public Website

Let’s host NGINX in AKS and access it publicly.


02 AKS - Create using Azure Portal

How to create AKS using Azure Portal and connect.


01 AKS Create and Connect

How to create AKS Cluster using Azure CLI and connect from local machine.


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Email to: wrijutechtalk@gmail.com