Linux Bash, Vim, Docker, Kubernetes
There are a many of these tips. I am highlighting few here which helped me get the grip on Kubernetes.
Use Linux and Learn the basics of Vim. Exit, save, copy, paste etc.
For practice in Linux use vimtutor
. My favourite vim must remember things are,
command | description
β | β
:q! | exit without save
:wq | save and exit
v | select texts
d | cut/delete
p | paste
y | copy
A | append at the end of the line
dw | delete a word
x | delete single char
dd | delete line
. | repeat last command |
Understand the vim philosophy. Vim is an editor. This is to edit the texts. Use motion commands to make it fast.
Vim Editor CheatSheet []](
CKAD does not require cluster level activities. So minikube in a local machine is more than enough to practice. For minikube installation please visit
This will help you get used to the sluggy experience of Linux console in browser. So that in exam where the console is loaded the browser has similar experience.
Use alias k=kubectl
for faster typing
$ alias k=kubectl
Kubectl Cheatsheet is a great to way to have a quick view on the few aspects of Kubectl. This is the CLI which would be used in the exam. Kubectl CheatSheet
short | long |
po | pods |
deploy | deployment |
pv | persistentvolumes |
pvc | persistentvolumeclaims |
no | nodes |
ns | namespaces |
svc | services |
cm | configmaps |
Also there are few other in cli like
-n # for namespace
-w # for --wait
$ kubectl run web2 --image=nginx --dry-run=client -oyaml > pod.yaml
$ kubectl delete po web --grace-period=0 --force=true
Bookmark in the local browser.
$ kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
$ kubectl delete -f pod.yaml
$ kubectl config