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Learning and exercise content on Python for Kids

Day 1 - Beginning

Python was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Since then there are enhancements getting added. Current Python version is 3 which we will be using in our learning (as of 2020).

To start python you need to open Command prompt in Windows and then type python or python3 or py

Here we will learn the basic print() command and we will print different texts in the Python window.

print("Hello Everyone")

On on the first day we will get comfortable with our laptop and learn how to start Python and use it by simply printing some text. This will help you get used to this new way of working with computers, that is programming in computers.

I will highly recommend that with the guidance of your seniors, practice it for some time until you get comfortable. Then follow the exercises below to have fun with Python interpreter.

Watch the Video

Day 1 Video Link

In next exercise we will understand how we can use variable to store the text and use it again and again.

To clear the Python prompt type cls in Windows and clear in Linux.

When you are done then you can use exit() to come out of Python Interpreter

Day 1 - Exercise

  1. Print your name in the python interpreter window.
  2. Print your favourite movie name.
  3. Print the name of your school.
  4. Close the Python window and open it again to print the name of your favourite food.

Next: Day 2 - Variable for text

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