
CSS Basics - Day 2

Borders - you can have fun with borders. Below sample

CSS Borders


<h1>Heading 1</h2>

<h2>Heading 2</h2>

<h3>Heading 3</h3>

<h1 id="multicolor">Multi Color Heading 1 </h3>


    h1 { border-style: dotted;}

    h2 {
        border-style: solid;  
        border-color: tomato;

    h3 { 
        border-bottom-style: solid; 
        border-color: green; 

    #multicolor { 
        border-style: solid;
        border-bottom-color: red;
        border-right-color: green;
        border-top-color: blue ;
        border-left-color: tomato ;        

You can also group all the border properties in one line. They follow the clockwise pattern top -> right -> botton -> left.

border-color: orange red green blue;

Is equivalent to,

border-top-color: orange;
border-right-color: red;
border-bottom-color: green;
border-left-color: blue;

This can be taken for any property which has side specific option like margin, padding etc.

CSS Assignment #2

Please comeup with your own idea to design a page with some html tags. Be creative. Creativity has no limit.

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