
HTML Basics - Day 5

Final structure and putting it all together.

HTML File Structure

So far we have been skipping the complete HTML structures. Thanks to the modern browsers. They don’t complain if we do not have the full HTML. It adds automatically the necessary tags. But we must know what makes HTML a complete,

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Sample Page</title>
            /* here add the css */
        <h1>The Header 1</h1>
        <p>Hello everyone</p>
        <br />
        The progress of the class is <progress value="38" max="100"></progress> 
        <br /><hr>
        <p><i>The design was done by Wriju</i></p>

Using more than one file

You should prevent creating one large html file. Rather should split into multiple files. Let’s see how we nagivate between files and sections within a file (bookmark).

<a href="students.html">Click to go to Student List</a>


Tags do come with attributes like key="value" inside a tag. They do help provide a lot of information.

<a href="students.html">Click to go to Student List</a>

HTML Assignment #5

Home Page

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