
HTML Basics - Day 2

Some more tags

More Tags

Tag Purpose
<abbr> abrreviation
<address> to format the addresss, for line break add <br>
<del> or <s> strikethrough - to indicate that it has been deleted.
<ins> this part of the text is inserted
<mark> this is to highlight text
<meter> value out of value="4" min="0" max="10"
<progress> progress value="30" max="100"
<q> quote " "
<a> link or hyperlink
<nav> links like menu along with <a>
<iframe> to open another page within, chrome will allow only https sites.
<img> adding image
<video> playing video
<audio> playing audio

Video Example

<video width="300" height="300" controls> 
	<source src="D:\folder\videosample.mp4" type="video/mp4">
	Can't play video

Audio Sample

<audio controls>
	<source src="audio-sample.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
	Your browser doesnot support audio.... 

Assignment #2

Sample Audio and Video files.


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