
HTML Basics - Day 3

List and table

List and Tables

Tag Purpose
<ul> list unordered - no serial number
<ol> serial numbered list, you can also use few attribues to control the sequence (reverse), starting using start number etc.
<li> list item to be used inside <ul> or <ol>
<table> create row column like class routine
<th> header of a <table>
<tr> row of the <table>
<td> cell of a <tr>
<span> section like inside <p>
<div> more magic here
<header> for header
<footer> for footer


<p>No Serial</p>
    <li>Sri Lanka</li>

    <li>Sri Lanka</li>


<table border="1">

Note: Explore <div> tag. Div is a modern approach to table.

Assignment #3

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