
HTML Basics - Day 4

HTML is not just some static texts. You can enter information in HTML page using <input> tags.

Input tags

Tag Purpose
<form> container for all user input controls
<input> by changing its type attribute, we may have different controls
<label> to know about the input
<button> for Submit, Reset, Save etc
<textarea> Multiple lines of texts.
<select> with <option> Value /option> can create a dropdown

Input Type

Input type Purpose
<input type="button"> button same as <button>
<input type="checkbox"> tick box, one or more selection
<input type="color"> color picker
<input type="date"> to select date from dropdown
<input type="file"> to upload a local file
<input type="hidden"> for stroring data and not displaying it to the user for calculations
<input type="image">  
<input type="month"> month picker of an year
<input type="number"> only enter +ve or -ve number
<input type="password"> to hide the letters from viewing
<input type="radio"> select one of many choices
<input type="range"> slider for selecting a value out of a range
<input type="reset"> when input controls are inside a form element then by clicking this button one can reset everything.
<input type="search"> search text box
<input type="submit"> submit a form
<input type="tel"> telephone number
<input type="text"> simple text input
<input type="url"> to enter URL formatted text
<input type="week"> week number picker of an year

Assignment #4

Please come up with a New Student Registration Form as below


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